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Ghana Gov’t Commits to Litigation Free Lands for Diaspora

Posted by OneAfrica Properties on June 29, 2021

The Minister for Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta has assured the diaspora community of the Government of Ghana’s commitment to ensuring Land Security for their Real Estate Investment in the Ghanaian property market. 

In response to a question regarding efforts of the government to attract more diaspora investments into the real estate sector during his media engagement after the Ghana Diaspora Investment Summit organized by the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), the Minister said, protecting diaspora investments with available laws as well as land security is the focus of the government.

“It’s just really making sure the laws and land are available to protect the diaspora investments”

Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance

A major challenge that diaspora encounter in their quest to invest in the Ghanaian real estate market has always been land litigation and encroachment which mostly serves as a discouragement tool to invest in the Ghanaian market.

In indeed, the Head of the Diaspora Investment Desk at GIPC, Marina Bansa confirmed this worry adding that land insecurity is one of the prominent concerns they received from the diaspora community. She indicated they have been advising the diaspora to be engaging the Lands Commission to get the right documentation.

The Hon. Ofori-Atta also added that the government is working in tandem with the various Ministries to accelerate the diaspora investments and industrialisation. He also observed that the coming in of the diaspora brings forth not only the economic benefits but also some responsibility on the government to ensure their investments are safe. 

“What we are doing is, we are having various compacts with the various Ministries for specific interventions that will help accelerate that, so the compact with GIPC is ongoing and that will also come out with value that will give them to promote these things. …the issue of diaspora coming in is both a responsibility but it also has enormous economic benefits,” says the Minister.

Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance

He concluded that the issue of the diaspora is about the investment environment conduciveness, once that is assured, with the numerous opportunities in Ghana, they would have a lot to do and to stay in the market.

Meanwhile, industry players believe that the new Land Act, 2020 (Act 1036) and Real Estate Agency Act 2020 (Act 1047) would also be able to minimize some of these penitent challenges within the land and real estate markets in the country.

Source: Real Estate Times Africa

5 thoughts on “Ghana Gov’t Commits to Litigation Free Lands for Diaspora

  • Barbara Byron
    on July 1, 2021

    Hi I have recentley found out that my linerage is from Ghana.
    We as desporas would like to invest our time and wealth in Ghana. We would apreciate some information on how to pursue repatriates right of abode.

    Regards Barbara

    • OneAfrica Properties
      on July 2, 2021

      Hello Barbara, that is great news! We would be happy to assist you with obtaining more information on establishing roots in Ghana. Please also visit our partner organization, The African Diaspora Group for more resources on immigration and repatriation matters.

  • Tahtineece Randolph
    on February 4, 2023

    Hello, I’m looking for more information regarding land for disporia.

    • OneAfrica Properties
      on February 7, 2023

      Hello, you’ve come to the right place. Please get in touch with our team so that we can learn more about your criteria and goals. Email: [email protected] or +233 (0)20 639 7414 via WhatsApp

  • A. Brown
    on April 8, 2023

    Hello we are arriving in Ghana in May 2023 to check things out. We’d love to obtain information about the fee land.

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