Partner with Us! Work with global buyers
OneAfrica Premier Agents are licensed REALTORS®, and Certified International Property Specialists (CIPS). Learn how real estate works in multiple African countries, and bring your expertise in your own market to assist and educate global buyers who are looking to own real estate in Africa.
As their dedicated CIPS Agent, you will provide education to global buyers to help them manage expectations when purchasing real estate in a foreign country, share resources to facilitate any services that are required to complete the transaction, and offer support along the way.
There’s zero upfront cost to join and no obligation— earn a 20% referral fee once a buyer successfully closes on land or a home within Africa.

Stay at your brokerage
Keep your license at your current brokerage, and we’ll send you referrals for motivated buyers and renters searching for real estate in your top territories.
Assist global buyers
We connect you with global buyers who are interested in owning real estate in Africa. Utilize your experience as a CIPS Agent to educate buyers worldwide.
Earn referral fees
We will pay you a 20% referral fee when you facilitate a successful transaction. There are no upfront costs or monthly fees.
Details & Expectations:
Pay at Close
We send you interested buyers and pay a referral fee when you facilitate a successful transaction. There are no upfront costs or monthly fees.
Everyone Deserves a Great Agent
Every buyer or seller deserves great service. Our partners are expected to help every OneAfrica Properties referral, no matter the price point.
Customer Advocacy
People deserve an advocate when buying or renting a home. We expect OneAfrica Premier Agents to facilitate only one side of the transaction to ensure that all customers have their best interests represented during the transaction.
Brokerage and Desk Fees
OneAfrica Properties believes in transparency. We ask our OneAfrica Premier agents to refrain from charging any brokerage fees with all referrals.
Hold a High Bar
OneAfrica Premier Agents should maintain a proven track record of delivering great customer service. We hold them accountable by surveying past client referrals. We monitor those survey results, as well as your close rate and referral acceptance rate. If you fall below our program’s market averages, we’ll help to get you back on track and if not, we may choose to end our partnership.
Honesty Really is the Best Policy
Filling out a survey on behalf of a customer or sub-referring a client to another agent is the quickest ticket out of the OneAfrica Premier Agent Program.